Dermarolling: Everything You Need to Know (2025)

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Skincare is an integral part of our daily routine as humans, and every day, we create new products or devices to help us achieve our skincare goals.

A derma roller is a now popular skincare device that is used for treating acne, rejuvenating the skin, treat scarring, and reduce any visible signs of aging. In this article, we’ll be sharing useful information about derma rollers and how they work.

Microneedling or Dermarolling is a process that was originally carried out in the office of a dermatologist.

Nowadays, things have changed as it can now be done at home with little training. It has gained popularity in recent years as an accessible, useful, and relatively non-invasive skin treatment.

This article explores how derma rollers work and how to use one. We will also offer tips on how to get the best results.

What is a derma roller?

A derma roller, as earlier mentioned, is a portable skincare device. On one end of the device is a handle, and on the other end is a roller with many tiny, fine needles on its surface.

As a specific 2009 review explained, dermarollers were created through a series of discoveries. Two separate studies in the 1990s inquired into the use of needles for the treatment of scar tissue. But it wasn’t until 2005 that the first research reported the use of a dermaroller.

There are many different brands and sizes of dermaroller available, and they are known to be relatively affordable.

It is essential to buy one from a trusted retailer and to ensure that it is sterile before you use it.

How it works

When you have the derma roller rolled over your skin, the tiny, fine pins on the roller will puncture the skin.

The holes that are created on the skin by the tiny pins are considered to be mild and superficial. This is the main reason why the treatment is not considered to be invasive.

When the skin is punctured, this derma roller creates some tiny controlled skin injury. The device does not actually cause damages to the skin’s outer layer. The needles help to break down any scar tissue.

As this study that was carried out in 2016 explains the technique, the controlled injuries are what lead to superficial bleeding. The injury is meant to trigger the body’s wound healing response, and then the following occurs:

  • The skin will release substances that cause growth
  • New blood vessels form in the person’s skin
  • The skin begins to create more collagen

Over the next five days, the collagen that is produced by the body will be deposited in the area of the skin that is treated. This helps the area of the skin to become firmer and may lessen the appearance of fine wrinkles.

Studies have found that a skin treated with a series of four micro-needling sessions, with a month in between, could lead to as much as a 400 percent rise in collagen.

Uses of a dermatology

Derma rolling was a technique originally used by dermatologists as a medium of boosting the production of collagen for skin rejuvenation and facial scar treatment.

Now it is also used as a medium of delivering vaccines and therapeutic drugs through the skin.

Besides, this technique has gained popularity as a natural home treatment to improve skin appearance. Many people who are aging now use it as a way to try to combat visible signs of aging, such as:

  • The appearance of fine lines
  • Start of wrinkles
  • Loss of skin firmness

Some people have also been found to use derma rollers in an attempt to reduce pore size and even with the aim of reducing and oil known as sebum if they have oily skin. Others have tried dermarollers on their skin to lessen the appearance of stretch marks.

How to use one

If you are using a derma roller at home, it is crucial to follow the steps described below:

  • Take out the dermaroller from its case or container
  • Spray the roller with alcohol solution and then wash thoroughly with warm water to sterilize
  • Prepare your skin for treatment with a saline wash or an antiseptic
  • Hold the skin to roll over individual sections, once side to side, once up and down, and once diagonally
  • After the skin has reddened, bath with saline
  • Spray your derma roller with an alcohol solution and carefully wash with warm water to sterilize
  • Leave your dermaroller to dry
  • Put it back into the storage case

When using the derma roller on your face, make sure that you treat five sections of your face in turn. These five sections are:

  • Top right of your forehead and cheek
  • Top left of your forehead and cheek
  • The right underside of the eye and the lower cheek
  • The left underside of the eye and the lower cheek
  • Around the mouth

After making use of the derma roller, you can decide to apply serums or moisturizers to your skin. The treatment is mainly used as a system of delivery to maximize the effects of such lotions.

It is believed that these applications are better absorbed in a much easier fashion and deeply by skin that has been treated with a derma roller than untouched skin.

People must avoid the use of a derma roller if they have ever dealt with blood-clotting, or if they are using Accutane or any other medical treatments.

Derma rollers must not be used on parts of skin that have a sunburn, eczema, or cold sores. Also, places with moles, rosacea, or skin inflammation should also be avoided.

Tips and best practices

Trying the below best practices and tips may help to improve the results of a person’s derma rolling:

  • Take supplements of vitamin A and C in the month before you get a derma rolling treatment to boost the production of collagen
  • Use ice packs after getting treatment if you are experiencing any pain
  • Apply anti-aging moisturizers or skin serums after treatment
  • Use sunscreen generously in the days after getting treatment, as skin could burn more quickly than normal
  • Repeat the skin treatment two or three times per week
  • Keep dermarollers away from the area immediately around your eyes
  • Avoid using a derma roller around areas that are infected with acne
  • Never share your derma roller with another person
  • Things to consider when choosing a derma roller
  • As dermarolling makes use of needles that pierce the skin, using equipment that is not of good quality is a health risk.
  • When choosing a derma roller in a store or online, it is vital to buy from a trusted seller.

Various medical derma rollers are available for other uses by individuals and dermatologists. The ones for dermatologists have varying needle lengths. Such devices are not made available to the public, and maybe very dangerous to use a home.

Home care derma rollers come with a needle length of below 0.15 millimeters.

The bottom line

Derma rolling is popularly known as micro-needling. The derma rollers for home use are very similar to the ones that are made for dermatological use but have slightly smaller needles.

The home use of a dermaroller may be a safe, cheap, and straightforward treatment for:

  • Stretch marks
  • Acne scarring
  • Large pores
  • Fine lines
  • Oily skin
  • Wrinkles
  • Loss of skin firmness

Even though dermarolling can quickly be done at home, it is always best to talk to a dermatologist or doctor about any skin concerns you may be dealing with.

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Dermarolling: Everything You Need to Know (2025)


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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.